What Good This Hunger

The following recording was taken at the Saint Louis police department as part of a routine procedure. The suspect in question was brought in with a blood alcohol level of .38. The file has been confiscated by government officials.

I'm just so fukkin' hungry, man...

A female's voice cuts in here, the officer who brought the suspect in.

Sir, you were arrested for entering a convenience store and eating the better part of their entire produce section. I find it incredibly hard to believe that there is any way you are still hungry. In fact, how you're still alive is well beyond me.

The suspect's voice begins once more.

Look, hon, I don't know how I'm this fucking hungry either. Took you fuckers a good while to get there too. But, damn, I'm tellin' ya, I don't know what that fucking Holder did to me.

Oh, and don't bother asking me what a Holder is. I don't feel like tellin' ya, 'cause you'd throw me into a psych ward and I'd start hella fast in there. Though, come to think of it, that might speed up the process a little, ya dig?

There is a pause here, then the sound of the suspect vomiting, followed by a loud belch.

Fuck, wouldja look at that? Shit ain't even digested a bit. I swear to god, that's like, whole bites of food... how long have I been here? 'Bout an hour, wouldtcha say? There's no way this shit shouldn't be mush by now... That don't make no sense, dig?

Shush, toots, I know you're gonna say something stupid and I'm not in the mood to hear it. I can tell by the look on your face. You're about to call in some more security to restrain me. You're beginning to feel uncomfortable. You are suddenly afraid of me. But, you can't seem to move. You haven't felt this scared since you were fourteen and your mother died. You were there, with her, when that lunatic shot her. Then you knew, you couldn't let that happen to other people, you had to keep people like that, like me, off the streets.

Now you're wondering how I know all of this. God, really, I couldn't tell ya myself. It's like I can hear your thoughts. No, that's not right. I can see them. I can smell them, taste them, and feel them. Fuck, I'm experiencing your thoughts in ways I didn't know I even could. I guess I've never really studied a person this close before. Hold god, how scared you are. But, you know, the worst is yet to come. I finally figured out how to make this hunger go away.

There is the sound of a chair scraping across the floor, the suspect standing up.

Please don't fight it, Amy. I'm gonna send you to be with your mom soon. She's waiting for you too. I've seen her before, when I kill a Seeker. She's there and happy. And you'll be with her soon. I can tell. I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt more than anything you've ever felt. Tell your mom you love her when you get there. She misses you.

After a few moments, loud crunching sounds commence and the arresting officer begins whimpering. After nearly a minute of this, the whimpering stops and loud slurping sounds begin.

Note: Officer Amy James was found in the St. Louis police department's interrogation room, her skull split open and her entire brain missing. Security reports that the suspect she had been interrogating never left the building, but has not been found. It is not known how he managed to escape the premises.