Events So Far
4:40 PM
- Approximate time of physical altercation between Ashley Mendoza and Judith Richards.
6:27 PM
- Harold Richards was at The Canyon VIP Bar with a guest.
6:33 PM
- Security broke up an argument between two guests (Sebastian Dyer and Lewis Vanzetti) outside The Canyon.
6:58 PM
6:59 PM
- Harold Richards was at the Steakhouse Lodge Bar & Grill with a guest.
7:07 PM
- Harold Richards took his two children off Club premises.
7:34 PM
- Ashley left a message for Reggie that she would be home late.
7:38 PM
- Thomas Ford Cross was at The Canyon VIP Bar.
7:45 PM - 8:15 PM
- Time frame of Ashley Mendoza's death. Judith Richards in a meeting at the clubhouse.
7:49 PM
- Sebastian Dyer sent a wire transfer for $2,500, which had to be done in person.
9:00 PM
- Reggie left the country club protest after cleaning up.
9:01 PM
- Judith Richards responded to a thread on High Fences.