Symphony of Hate and Rage

I fucking found him! Jack Empty, my quarry oh-so-elusive. I woulda pissed myself, really, if I was a normal person. They weren't lying about how that fucker moves. I mean, I can easily follow his movements, he doesn't move too fast for that, but he is still one quick sonuvabitch. However, I didn't want to rush headlong into something I had no idea about, so I sorta... trailed him. Bastard finally turned down an alley, and, well, I really couldn't resist.

I don't know how, but I lost sight of him... he just fuckin' vanished, I guess. I don't know, but I figured he couldn't have gotten away, so I head down this dark-ass alley. Yeah, not so smart, I know, but, hey, I saw my white whale, and goddamn it, I intended to do what needed done.

Then someone fucking flew out of the darkness at me. I didn't even have time to get a good swing with my goddamned good sword at it before it crashed into my ass and knocked me back a bit. After a moment, I figured out that the damned thing was a corpse. And a cut-ass-up one too.

"I felt you coming," he said. Now, I've heard my share of Holders speak before, but, holy fuck! This guy's voice could make a goddamned rock piss itself. In fact, only ol' grandfather clock was scarier than that. But that's on another level entirely, so it's really not worth mentioning. Then this sonuvabitch pulls out a sword. It was an old sword, scratched and dented worth shit, the kind of sword you see in a museum.

"I've known about you. I always know about the things They do. You pompous bastards with your good books and false hopes, the worst of -" Now, I didn't like this guy before. But no one, and I mean, motherfucking NO ONE calls me pompous! So, naturally, I cut his fucking head off. Or, rather, tried to. Guy's weaker than me, by a good amount, but, ya know, I've never really trained using a sword. I just cut things and they die. Not this motherfucker, no. He knew what he was doing. He managed to get the tip of his sword under mine and let it slide just off the mark, inches away from his damned neck. But, even so, I guess you could call it an even match. He couldn't really block any of my swings, 'cause, ya know, I'm stronger than fuck. But his damned prissy-ass little parries were doing the job. Anything he tried, I was more than quick enough to get my sword in the way in time. It went on for a good goddamned long time, and that fucker was taunting me nonstop, but, eventually, I fucked up.

His sword managed to run down the back of my blade and over my handguard... he got the back of my hand real good. Funny thing, that didn't hurt at all. But, I guess losing all the tendons in my hand, well, not so good in a sword fight. No blood or anything, and, well, as soon as his sword was out of my hand, my wound closed up. Like, as if it weren't there at all. Trippy, no? Anyways, my sword's on the ground and this Jackass is just glaring at me with those... eyes. Well, the next few seconds kinda sucked, 'cause, well, yeah, he put a good fifty or so holes in my body. But, like I said, well, none of 'em hurt or anything, and, well, he seemed kinda... confused... that he couldn't kill me, but was, rather, making quickly-healing swiss fucking cheese out of my body.

So, after a good bit, he yells something and stalks over to my sword, and reaches his sword over top of it. I could tell, ya know, he wanted to destroy it, but it was more than that, you should have seen the hate on his face, let me tell ya the guy's freaky enough smiling but this... He yells out something in some foreign language, like Latin or some fuck and drives his sword down. The instant his sword touched it, well, shit got outta hand. Ol' grandfather clock showed up, or something. I really couldn't make much out because there was that light. I mean, bright as fuck, but it felt good to me. And, then it was gone.

Fucknut was lying there on the ground, screaming like all hell. I stood up then, and got my sword. Now it was my turn, ya know. Only, I'm willing to bet that all it's gonna take me is one good hit with this baby to finish him off nice and good. I was just about to test that idea out, right, when he looks up at me. Well, let's just say that solved the mystery of what the light did. Just goddamn ash where his eyes should have been. Like, not a damned trace left of 'em, and I could see clear up to the other side of his head. That, well, gave me a moment's pause. Apparently, that's all this asshole needed.

I don't know how he did it and I don't know how the fuck he moved so fast. It was all over in an instant, but when he was done, he pushed me back to the ground, having clawed, or rather, plucked out my right eye. This fucker laughing all the while. Then, get this, he shoves my eye into his socket, rolls it around in his head, and the next thing I know it's all dead and gray just like his old eyes.

And then, well it fucking started to hurt. Bad. And, well, look, call me a chicken-puss, or whatever you want, but I fucking ran. I ran so fucking far away. But the time I stopped running, I think I was in another state.

An', well, now I know how to hunt the bastard. I'm quite sure I could find him again if I had to. Thing is, my eye still hurts. All the damned time. And my sword changed too. Kinda minor, I guess, but the hilt, well, the wrapping on it used to be white, but... well, it's gray now. Although, I did get this bitchin' eyepatch. And, well, I found this dojo, right, and I've started training.