
This time there was no bass.

However, James was more confident than ever. Today, the surprise would not be on him. This time, when he would meet Rockwell, he would be prepared. This time was different, James knew all the information he needed. His benefactor had supplied him with everything he needed. Weapons, locations, details. How he could kill Rockwell. Maybe kill was the wrong word, but how to stop him nonetheless. Plan was simply shoot the shit out of him, tie him up right and proper, and then send him down to the boss. Revenge never looked so good. But still, as the minutes ticked away, James couldn't help but feel anxious. He and six other men in the abandoned factory had been there for over an hour. Maybe Rockwell smelled out the trap. "Nah," he thought., proceeding to walk in circles while playing with his new toy, a semiautomatic and all the bells and whistles. Just what he needed to put him in a good mood. He was mid-skip when the knock was heard.

It wasn't actually a knock, but the sound of the door handles being ripped off the steel-plated door. Not how he expected Rockwell to enter, maybe he had other people with him. That might be a problem. Either way, James go into position behind an overturned table they were to use as a barricade. The man in the suit was sure to be packing some sort of heat. His thoughts were broken by the sound of a smash on the other end of the door. Something was trying to get in through force. James had expected Rockwell to simply pick the lock, or already have the key, it was his way of doing things, but this wasn't his way. Something was different this time. Another smash, as the door began to bend out of shape. One more and there was a small hole where two hands came out, and ripped the rest of the door open with screeching noise. Rockwell had entered the building.

"So, come to apologize, have you?" James asked with a big grin. Rockwell said nothing but began to make his way toward them. "Not up for conversation? Alright, we'll get down to business." On command, all seven men on the other side of the room opened fire on the man in the suit. Shot after shot after shot, but it didn't even slow him down. Were they even hitting anything? Or did the bullets pass right through him? They could swear they saw the suit fabric break and splinter where he got hit, but a blink later the evidence of a bullet hole was gone. It was no problem, as they brought plenty of ammo "just in case". Rockwell, however, was halfway there. Not even a smile on his face. And then he ran.

James almost stopped shooting. Rockwell was faster than anyone he had ever seen, clearing the space between the two groups in less than a second. Before James could even say something, Rockwell was already at the first guard, getting ready to punch him. Except, instead of punch, Rockwell ran his entire arm through the man's chest, lifting the man up into the air. Now he was smiling. Dropping the body, Rockwell moved to rip out the throat of the man next to him, and break the neck of the third. The other three were finished almost as quickly. James had stopped shooting. This couldn't have been Rockwell. There was no way. He tripped over himself trying to back away from the scene. Rockwell made his way to him slowly, covered in blood, smiling.

"James, James, James. Did you really think that you could kill me? Or even stop me? You and your people will soon learn that I am far more than anything they could ever imagine. Far more than they can ever stop. This "Group" that's been trying to make its way into the game is soon to be eradicated. I know this because I will do it with my bare hands. Those I don't kill personally, my people will be sure to take care of them." Rockwell picked up James by his shirt and threw him against a nearby wall. James felt the air get knocked out of him as two of his ribs broke. He tasted blood.

"Now you have one last use for me, James. Tell me how to find your benefactor. We have much to discuss." James spit out some blood, and got another look at what was in front of him. It certainly looked like Rockwell. It was him, but he had changed. The remains of his men began to disappear all over Rockwell's suit and hands. As if the blood was never there.

"The Group supplied me with everything." Rockwell laughed, crouching over James, stating that he already knew who, he just needed a location. Weakly, James mustered out a street address, and a number. Blood dribbled out the side of his mouth,

Rockwell picked up James until they were eye level, raised one of his arms, but then looked as if he reconsidered. He dropped the man back down, dusting his hands off. James turned one more time to the man in the suit, the one that was leaving his sight yet again. "He knows you're coming, you know."
