
The rain started to fall.

Near the bottom of the high rise, a small crowd formed. Some swore that they had seen a body fall out of the building, but when they went to investigate there was no body, only a pile of ash was on the street.

Mark Tene finished another book, replacing it in its place in the dark library. The knowledge he had gained was immense, and had changed the way he looked at everything. Things he took for granted weren't what they believed they were, and things he feared were worse than he could imagine. He paused, looking for another book, when he saw a shadow. Mark stopped briefly before following it. It stood on the opposite end of the room, and Mark brought his candle in order to see better. He only got a quick look at the shadow, and he called after it to no avail. Once he arrived though, there was no man, just a book. As he flipped open the first page to a bright red "A.G." logo stamped, he smiled, as his shout echoed through the room for the last time before fading into nothingness.


In the hospital room, Captain Leviller's eyes opened once again. She lay there in silence for only a few moments before sitting up. She quickly began to rip out the machines connected to her. She took out the final IV before stepping out of bed and leaving the room, still in her hospital gown. A nurse saw her and shouted in protest to stop her, but Leviller didn't pay attention. She just got into the elevator and pressed the button to the floor her office was on. There was work to do.

James walked into the halfway house, more nervous than he had ever been. The ink notes he wrote on his hand had already begun to smudge because of his sweat, but he couldn't turn around now. Seeking would just have to be another story he'd tell to women.

Rachel stared at her computer screen again, the only thing lighting the dim room. Nearby, Ellie lay on Rachel's bed, and that's where she would sleep for the night, Rachel didn't mind. Reading through the email again, Rachel couldn't help but be amazed. So much information, so much it almost made her skin crawl. Ignorance is bliss, she reminded herself. No more emails came, and the first one had been sent two weeks before she had received it. She didn't know who this "S" was, or even if they were still alive, as all attempts of contact were fruitless. Still, she took another sip of coffee before continuing reading.

The Pawns, one by one, encircle the King. But what they need now, is a Knight.

Rockwell stood on the roof in the pouring rain. The Chaos and Control together once more. Rockwell could think again. Regret was the first to flood his mind, as he made too many mistakes. But he wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for himself.

He finally knew what he was, but that only raised more questions. The Voice was gone, so Rockwell didn't have anywhere to go for answers. Except one. The one he knew was coming from the first time he entered the A.G. Industries building.

He looked down at the ants walking on the street. People getting in cars, going to work, to meet each other. Rockwell wondered how many of them had any idea that their lives were a façade. Being nothing but pawns in a chess game. His game. How many would have to die? How many would live? Rockwell wondered if he would have to kill them all. Maybe, he should. Rockwell turned his eyes to the sky once again, once again wondering about his purpose.

Now all that was left, was to Bring Them Together.