Object 622
The Holder of Happiness
In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, a man will stare at you, looking close to tears. Ask for "The Holder of Happiness". The man will look up at you, hand you a cookie, then point toward a door. Walk through the door and into the hallway. There should be absolute silence.
Should you begin to hear a soft crying at any time, stop and say aloud, "It's okay, I just want to talk." If you still hear crying, resign yourself and keep walking, hope to your god it was just your mind.
If the crying in the hall ceases after you utter those words, continue on. You will eventually encounter a door, seeming to lead outside. When you walk out the door, a little girl will be swinging on a swing set, while humming. Do not look at her face. You must then ask, "What will make Them happy?"
The little girl will then stop humming and glare at you. She will respond with a vicious attack to any action on your part other than offering her the cookie the clerk gave you - you did save it, right?
She will start to say many things all at the same time, but each single one you hear individually, perfectly, horribly. Each one is a different horrible image, ingrained in your mind. You will look, dumbfounded, and want to look at her face. Be warned that if you do, her smile will be the last one you will ever see.
If you do not, you will find yourself immediately back at the front desk, where the man will hand you another cookie.
That cookie is Object 622 of 2538. It is up to you to decide if They should be made happy.