Object 612

The Holder of Imitation

In any city, in any country, go to any store that sells body-length mirrors. Walk up to a worker and ask him if he has "the mirror recommended by the Holder of Imitation". He may look at you in shock but will lead you to an old, dirty mirror in the back of the store. Tell him you would like to purchase it and hand him the money. Carry it out by yourself, and make sure not to scratch or hurt it on the way out. I cannot stress this enough. Do not let anything happen to that mirror before you leave the store. Take it home, and set it up in the lowest point of your house. Look at your reflection, frown, and ask if they will take you to the Holder of Imitation.

They will shake their head and beckon for you, and you must walk into the mirror without a word. You'll be in a room entirely identical to the one you were just in. Your reflection will lead you to the highest point in your house, and there will be a door. The reflection will walk out of the room, and you may walk into the door. You're free to explore your mirror-world house, though. You may even go outside and talk to people. But be warned, the people here have short tempers, and won't want to talk for long. If you do talk to them for longer than they'd like, they will turn into horrifying monsters before your eyes and devour you whole. You'll feel yourself being digested in the beast's stomach until there's nothing left of you but chunks of meat and acidic liquid. Your reflection is your best bet for conversation, they'll have all the same interests as you, and you'll get along perfectly. You may stay in the mirror world as long as you like, even for years. The door your reflection showed you will stay as long as you want, and if you give up you can go back through the mirror into the real world anything you like. But if you do, never, ever try to get back.

If you've chosen to go through the door, you will find yourself in a hallway made of mirrors. When you look in the mirrors, you will not see your reflection, but a man, smirking at you mischievously. As you walk down the hall, you will have to imitate everything the man does. One slip-up will result in death. It is advised to practice the art of imitation before you attempt this journey. When you've reached the end of the hall, the man's reflection will disappear and be replaced with your own. You will see two doors. The Holder waits behind one, this is the correct door. If the incorrect door is opened, you will switch places with your mirror-self and be trapped behind a mirror forever.

If you've opened the correct door, you will find yourself in a round, dimly lit room, with a single body-length mirror sitting in the corner. Walk up to it, and the man you saw earlier will be reflected back. Smile politely, and ask him, "When will we feel peace?" He will look you in the eyes, remind you of all the times you were truly at peace, and compare them with all the times you felt turmoil. When he's finished, he'll walk away, and only the room will be reflected. Close your eyes, and walk through the mirror. If you cannot, you will be stuck in the room forever, for the door you came in will have disappeared. If you made it through, you'll be in the room where you originally placed the mirror you bought. Look at your reflection, smile, and shatter it by hitting your reflection in the face. You will feel the pain, but it will subside quickly. Pick up any piece of glass that's still large enough to see your reflection.

The shard of glass is Object 612 of 2538. Their reflection is what they fear the most.