Object 594

The Holder of Ceridwen

Before you attempt this, it is absolutely vital that you be wearing both the headdress and the earrings.

In any city, in any country, go to any abortion clinic you can get yourself to. Ask the receptionist if "The Holder of Ceridwen" showed up today. A certain unnerved expression will cross the worker's face, and she will proceed to look through the files. When she finds one with what you are seeking, she will look at you; if you are not wearing the headdress, she will kill you with her bare hands, but if you are, she will merely stare at you, stunned.

Behind all of the rooms where the abortions are taking place, the worker will show you to a door at the end of a hallway. Here, you will see it; it does not take on any one form for longer than it takes to register what it is, and it is actually shapeshifting much faster than that. Before your mind collapses upon itself trying to make sense of the sight before you, ask it the question: "Did they start off bad?"

It will freeze and whatever form it is in, no matter how beautiful or gruesome, will begin to speak. It will tell you of what they were instructed, how the ones who disobeyed led the obeying ones astray, and why they became what they did. While it is speaking its story, touch the ear that matches your dominant hand. Depending on how the earrings are feeling, lightning will either shoot out of the earrings or come down from the sky, incinerating the Holder. When the dust clears, you will see an empty cauldron.

The cauldron is Object 594 of 2538. It is where enough of them will come together to reunite them all.