Object 1669

The Key of the Holders

In any city, in any country in the world, go to a park and go up to a homeless person that is sitting on a park bench closest to the park's fountain. Ask the homeless person, "What happens when they all come together?" If he stares straight into your eyes for more than 5 seconds and says, "You're not worthy," run for your life all the way out of the park. If he stares into your eyes for more than 5 seconds and says, "Follow me," then follow the man.

He will soon lead you to the fountain in the park. He will ask you to stick your head in the fountain. If you do not do what he asks and you do not want to continue your quest, when you turn the age of 50, you will die a lonely death and enter the afterlife of the hellish realm known as oblivion. If you do what he asks, you will stick your head in the water of the fountain and drown yourself 'til you pass out.

If you don't pass out, then you're probably dead. If you do, then you will soon wake up and notice everything around you is pitch-black. This is the second part of your quest. The only way to continue is if you listen to the sound and go the wrong way, you will fall into a black hole inside a time paradox and will be lost in time forever.

Once you get exactly by the place of the hissing sound, scream out loud and say, "It's time to end this." Everything around you will turn colorful and bright and the passage of the doorway where you need to go will open. If all this does not happen, then you are not worthy and you are meant to die. If all this does happen, enter the tallest black door that has bones connected all over it. Enter and you will everything turn white. Everything... except one future in a black hood, the king of all Holders. He is the most powerful being of all in the universe.

Go up to him and ask, "What happens when they all come together?" If he says, "You're not worthy," you will be consumed by his powers of darkness and tentacles of death, and your soul will be transferred to his and you will become him. If he answers your question by saying, "All hell is released," then you now have the knowledge of what is to become.

You have two choices now. Either fight him to save the earth or tell him "Let the world fall, my king." If you fight him and kill him, you will become the new king of the Holders. He is very easy to kill, but you will have to become him if you do so. If you let all the Objects collide, then he will say, "Your wish has come true." Since you asked him and followed his rules, he will collect all the Objects in seconds from the other Holders and collide them into one Object, the Key of the Holders.

You will soon be led to a door. Unlock it. It is the way back to Earth. While you are traveling back to Earth from the Holder's study in the realm of oblivion, you are traveling at the speed of light. After seconds pass, you will pass out and soon wake up on the ground covered in water. In your hand will be the key and a book. Unlock the lock on the book with the key. When you do so, go to the last page. There will be one sentence. Read it. It says "Morra, acca tu farra emu to ala ona von coni".

Once you read it, everything around you will turn to hell. People will run screaming and crying. Demons awaken. All hell unleashes. You have just created Apocrypha, a place worse than hell, a place worse than oblivion. The earth has just become a war for humanity. The earth is now a battleground. Have fun.

A hellish nightmare has just awoken. Thanks to you... You just ruined humanity. Demons, monsters, devils, dark angels, zombies, mutated zombies. The earth is no more. Now you may call it Daravon, a place so terrible it's worse than Apocrypha and oblivion put together. But... there is a way to save humanity and that is to find and kill all 5 main Holders: The Holder of the End, the Holder of Eternal, the Holder of Life, the Holder of Death, and finally, the King of all Holders but his name, his given name, is... Vonharra. This is not the end. This is just the beginning...

Now, see what you've done? You've ruined life. But there is still a way to save it. Keep the book and the key. And find a way to kill all 5 of those Holders. Kill all of them in the order I've told you. I will help you if you do what I tell you. Save life. Save humanity. Save us.

This was created on April 23, 2013 at 11:06:33. I may be dead by now, but I hope you're not. Goodbye... Kill them all in my name.

This is Object 1669 of 2538, the Key and Book of Nightmares. As always... you should have never let the Objects come together. You should have killed him... For us...