Object 1426

The Holder of Demons

In any school, in any country of the world, find the nearest closet in that school as close as possible to you. When you reach the closet door, it will be locked. Find the keys to the locked closet door. They will be in that school (maybe with the janitor). Find the janitor and tell him, "I wish to seek out the Holder of Demons." He will nod his head and say no. Keep asking him and he will say no. This is where your quest begins. Act like you're walking away and leave the school, but come back at night and the keys should be on the key rack.

Find the key that's red with black crystals on it. When you find it, go to the closet door you were at before. Now, unlock the door. Do not open it though. Because since you unlocked the door with that key, you have begun your quest. There's no going back now. If you open the door, you will see a gigantic creature and it will attack you and eat you. Before you open the door, knock 5 times with your right hand and 5 times with your left, and then utter the words, "I kneel before you, my king." Now open the door. And you have just uncovered the gateway to hell.

You will see demons, monsters, the evil dead army of Satan, and, of course, the... Hell's gatekeeper... the Holder of Demons. DO NOT TAKE A SINGLE STEP! First, utter the words, "I seek out you, my Holder." The black shadowy, scaly Holder will turn and look into your eyes. He will pull you with his levitating powers right to him and look into your eyes.

He will say, "You are very wise to come here, my Seeker. And so I will grant you with the power you seek."

Say, "What do I have to do to achieve this power, my master?"

He will say, "Follow the way of the sin, follow the devil, become the devil, shape the world in your evil image, my child. From now on, my child, you follow the way of the devil. Become what you were meant to be. Become the assassin of death. If anyone gets in your way, do everything you can to get them out."

Now, you have a choice. If you don't say "Yes, I will, my master," you will obtain the Object which I will tell you about in a while. If you say, "No, I want the Object, but if I must do this, I say no," he will let you go. BUT. Demons will follow you your whole and you will earn a place in hell in the lower dungeons of death.

The Object you receive if you say yes is known as the death crystal. The Holder will put in your hand a crystal that is burning hot and has a glowing red color inside it. Grasp it tightly and the Holder will place his right hand on your heart. The burning crystal will burn all throughout your body. Your heart, hands, and forehead will have the devil's mark on them. You have become the devil's assassin of death. The devil's son. The antichrist. The crystal has melted and is now inside you.

This is Object 1426 of 2538. The devil's crystal is now inside you. You are the reign of evil now. You are now the devil's son. You are now... the antichrist. Good luck taking over the world... my son...