Object 1403

The Holder of the Holy

In any city, in any country, go to the biggest catholic church. Do not speak with anyone, just sit close to the altar and wait until it's twilight.

Watch the sunlight pass through the stained-glass as it disappears in the sky, then walk to the altar and kneel. If the church is empty, you will hear a voice asking you to walk toward the altar. If not, then you must leave, because this Object will never belong to you.

When you reach the place the voice was guiding you to, don't do anything else that it says because now you are being tested. You can hear more voices now, making a horrible noise. Try to keep calm, and whisper: "I came here looking for the Holder of the Holy." They will keep arguing and screaming in your mind, but listen closely. There shall be a little child's voice telling you to close your eyes.

Do so, as the things that will happen around you will drive you crazy. Focus on that child-like voice, as he will keep you from losing your mind. He will then ask you to open your eyes. When you do, you will see a child with angel wings between you and the altar.

Ask him quickly this question: "What happens to those who fail?" He will then smile at you. Don't be afraid. He will tell you to put him in the water. He will disappear and leave behind a feather.

Put the feather on the baptismal font. It will point to one of the gates. Take it back and exit through that door, don't look back for the consequences could be worse than you can even imagine.

On your way back home, avoid anything related to religion or death, and you will be fine.

The feather you hold is Object 1403 of 2538. The heavens have closed their gates to those who seek despair.