Object 1207

The Holder of Education

In any city, in any country, go to any library you can get yourself to. Walk up to any staff member and ask them to see someone who calls himself "The Holder of Education". If they look confused, ignore you, or anything similar, flee from the library and never ask again. But, if they look like they just realized something, you're in the right place. They will lead you into a long corridor that might or might not have been there before. They will then take you to a large yellow door before disappearing.

When you enter the door, you are greeted by an extremely large maze. It is quite difficult and has many twists and turns. Most don't get out alive, but if you do, you will find a large man standing in front of you staring at you. Immediately ask him, "What will happen when they all come together?" He will start talking to you in a language that nobody could ever understand. But even though you can't understand him, whatever he is saying sounds very gruesome and horrible. He will then vanish. Turn back and try to get back through the maze.

If you can't remember the way back or don't get back in time, you will soon die and your soul will be trapped in the maze forever. If you succeed, you will be standing outside the library holding a book.

The book is Object 1207 of 2538. It must never be read.