Pᴀɢᴇ 1


You'll be late! I kept telling myself I needed to leave earlier, but it never seems to happen.

Was the building on the other side of campus? Or was this the one just up ahead?

  • Go Across Campus Go to page 21.
  • Go to the Nearby Building Go to Page 40.
  • Check Planner Go to Page 19.

Pᴀɢᴇ 2


The elevator is here, I might as well take it.

Get on.

So many other people.

It's tight quarters.

Maybe I should just get off and take the stairs.

What will everyone else think when I jump off?

Doors will close any second.

  • Head for the Stairwell Go to Page 38.
  • Stay with the CrowdGo to Page 25.

Pᴀɢᴇ 3

Another quick flash before she is around the next corner.

I feel like I'm walking in squares.

She is always just one turn ahead.

Finally, a hall that ends without turning.

  • Just stairs to the basement behind some doors. Go to Page 22.
  • Oh, and a pop machine. Go to Page 41.

Pᴀɢᴇ 4

This is way more work than it should be.

Besides, there probably was no class today anyway if the entrances are blocked.

I wish they had alerted me to it though.

Time to hit up the arcade!

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 5

Let's see, where to sit? There are people at each table. I don't see many that I know.

I'll just take this lounge chair off to the side.

It looks comfortable.

This salad tastes so bland.

There is never really fresh stuff here.

But it's sustenance, I guess.

With enough dressing, it's edible.

Too bad I can't take food out with me. I could eat while I walk to class.

That didn't take as long as I thought. Should I try to make it to class still?

  • Try to Reach the Class in Time Go to Page 44.
  • Go Back to the RoomGo to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 6

Well, at least I made it to a class.

It might not be the right one, but that's better than not going at all, right?

Pretend to take notes for a while.

Why is this guy next to me trying to copy my fake notes?

Everyone is leaving.

  • That didn't take very long. Maybe there is still time to catch the end of my real class. Go to Page 44.
  • Or I could just go home. Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 7


Walk after them.

Don't run.

Power walk.

Don't want to seem like I'm chasing them.

  • I'm sure they went this way. Go to Page 3.

Pᴀɢᴇ 8

Rattle the handle.

Bang on the window.


No one seems to notice.

  • Explore in Here Go to Page 27.
  • Keep Trying to Keep Someone's Attention Go to Page 39.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9

Great choice!

I'm just going to go back to my room and calm down.

Maybe get some cleaning done or work on homework.

Back in the room.

Why can't I focus?

So much effort today and nothing accomplished.

Stare at the ceiling.

Trying to find patterns.

I wonder if those patterns are randomly created or if it's due to some process they used during construction.

They aren't on the walls. Maybe it's random.

I guess I might as well take a nap since I can't get anything done today.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 10

Out the nearest exit.

Across the path to the grassy area.

Sit on the bench.

Enjoy the sunshine and soda pop.

I'll call this a win.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 11

I fling open the door to the stairwell after flashing my tenant badge at the front desk.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.

2 steps at a time, then a single.

Hmm... That makes 13 steps per flight.

I thought they were superstitious and didn't make things like that in buildings.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.

One floor down, 4 to go.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.

Why do I have to count every step?

If I try to stop, even my breaths sound like numbers.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.

Let's try to move faster, I'm already late.

1, 2, 3, 4, almost trip, 1.

Okay, 3 steps at a time is not a good idea.

3rd floor.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Landing, turn, next flight.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Okay, singles are a lot more effort.

Maybe a little faster, but too much exertion.

Almost there! Finally.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.

I grab the door, but it won't open.

Crap! Again?!

Suddenly, it opens. Someone comes through.

Quick! Grab it.

"Thanks," I mumble.

Fast-walk down the hall, into the room.

Where is that planner?

It's not in my bag, so maybe it's in the desk. Or in that pile over there.

Did I forget it somewhere? What if I just overlooked it in my bag?


There it is!

I grab the planner.

Is it too late to bother going to class at this point?

Maybe I should stay here and just try next time.

Didn't I do that last week?

If I miss too many classes, it'll be harder to go back.

What will they say when I finally show up?

But being late is worse than not going.

What do I do?!

And which building was it?

The planner says the far one.

That's a long walk.

  • Go to Class Go to Page 26.
  • Blow off Class AgainGo to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 12

That's just too much for today.

Sit down, relax, grab a pop.

We'll try again tomorrow.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 13

Just sit and watch.

Wait, no, stand.

No one else is sitting.

Don't stand out by not standing.

What's that noise?


It's really annoying.


But it sounds familiar, I should know what it is.

  • BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZGo to Page 33.

Pᴀɢᴇ 14

I should really try to make it to this class.

Rush out, head down.

All the way across campus. I should have just done this to begin with.

Why do I always need that stupid planner to tell me what to do?

  • Run Across Campus Go to Page 40.

Pᴀɢᴇ 15

Head back to the room.

Make it there with no obstacles.

How odd. There's always a problem getting everywhere.

Guess I'll just study.

Chalk this up as a win.

  • 🥳Play Again Go to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 16

Something is off about that person.

I should go the other way.

Back to the door.

But it won't work.

I need out.

There are people out there, they can help.

  • Make some noise!Go to Page 8.

Pᴀɢᴇ 17

I'll just take a quick nap.

It's not like I'm getting to class at this point anyway.

So comfortable. Maybe I'll just head down here every week.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 18

Rattle the handle.




Something fell out.

Handle loses tension.

Push on the door.

It swings open.

Freedom! Sweet Freedom!

Better take advantage of it and go get a candy bar since there is no class apparently.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 19

I pull out my planner to check where this class is.

Yes, I need to be more organized.

Yes, I should have been to more classes and I would remember them by now.

No, I can't find my planner.

  • Go Back for Planner Go to Page 31.
  • Go to the Nearby Building AnywayGo to Page 40.
  • Go to the Far Building Anyway Go to Page 21.

Pᴀɢᴇ 20

Don't. Budge.

Just wait for something to happen, then react.

If we start falling, spread out horizontally to minimize impact damage.

If the doors don't close, stay to the back.

None of the buttons respond.

Maybe someone on another floor will call the elevator and we will move.





Finally, the doors close.

And... Movement.

We are going down.

No one else seems bothered.


First floor.

Jump out, ignore people coming in.

  • Take the Stairs Go to Page 38.

Pᴀɢᴇ 21

I'd hate for it to be right here and I run all over.

Just duck inside the door.

Past the smokers.

Past the people staring out the window.

Stairs? Or elevator?

  • Take the Stairs Go to Page 32.
  • Take the ElevatorGo to Page 43.

Pᴀɢᴇ 22

Open doors, go down stairs.

There is a good number of people milling around down here.

Why is there a small fountain in the middle of this room?

And cots, and soft music?

It's like a strange break room, except everyone is just standing around.

  • Take a Drink from the Fountain Go to Page 42.
  • Just Watch EveryoneGo to Page 13.

Pᴀɢᴇ 23

Apparently, there are people here now.

These nearby rooms have people sitting in them.

I'll just grab the nearest seat and enjoy this drink.

  • Hmm... hope this isn't a boring class. Go to Page 29.

Pᴀɢᴇ 24

I'll just wait here and try to get someone's attention on the outside.

Why did it open from the outside but not the inside?

Hey, there is someone near the door!

  • Make some noise!Go to Page 8.
  • Play Around with the Door HandleGo to Page 18.

Pᴀɢᴇ 25

The doors close.

Up to the fourth floor.

Strange, why didn't it stop on the second?

The doors open several seconds before the elevator comes to a stop.

No one seems to care as they just step up to exit.

Only a few people left.

Doors close.

Down we go.

Way too fast.

Slow down, slow down, SLOW DOWN!

Sudden stop.

Doors slowly open, halfway.

We are clearly between floors.

The elevator slowly moves up.

Where did everyone else go?

Full stop.

Only six more inches.

The box feels so unstable.

Maybe it's my imagination; I don't see any movement.

I know if I step through, everything will start moving again.

Or, maybe if I stay here everything will fall...

  • Jump Through the Door Go to Page 37.
  • Stay in the Elevator Go to Page 20.

Pᴀɢᴇ 26

Maybe I can jump a full flight at once.

Yep. But that sure stresses my knees.

I feel old sometimes.

Out the front door, into the cold wind again.

Why is it always so windy here?

Do I know that person? Maybe? Are they in math with me?

It'd be nice if she says hi. Maybe I should wave.

No, what if it isn't her?

Hey, there is the cafeteria.

Maybe I should just call it and go let some food make me feel better.

  • Try to Make It to Class Go to Page 40.
  • Go to Lunch InsteadGo to Page 5.

Pᴀɢᴇ 27

Walk down the hallway.

Why are those lights not on?

Where should I go?

I don't hear anyone nearby.

Wait, what was that?

Someone just crossed the hallway down there.

  • Follow the PersonGo to Page 7.
  • Run Away Go to Page 16.

Pᴀɢᴇ 28

Follow her down the sidewalk.

Away from the building.

Class must have been canceled.

Or is already over.

To the cafeteria.

No, past the cafeteria.

To a building I've never been to.

She looks over her shoulder and ducks quickly inside.

  • Follow Her InsideGo to Page 3.
  • Class is obviously over. Go home and review what was supposed to be covered in class today. Go to Page 15.

Pᴀɢᴇ 29


Uh-oh, an alarm is going off.

Better get up with everyone.


So much for a nice, relaxing time.

Why is the door so small now?

I'm not sure I can get through there.


And the desks are so close together.

I'm going to have to float over them.


Or, I can just wake up finally.


I hate the sound of that alarm clock.

I'm so thirsty. I feel like a root beer.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 30

I'll just continue the search outside then.

Turn around.

Door won't open.

Great. Just what I need.

They are probably bug-bombing or something and now I'm stuck here.

  • Wait by the Door for HelpGo to Page 24.
  • Walk Down the HallwayGo to Page 27.

Pᴀɢᴇ 31

Finally, back at the lobby. Just have to get up to the room and grab that stupid planner.

I can't believe I forgot it again. I mean, why even have it?

There's that elevator. I bet it's still acting strange. Maybe I should take the stairs. It is 5 floors up though...

  • Get into the Elevator Go to Page 34.
  • Take the StairsGo to Page 11.

Pᴀɢᴇ 32

Fling open the doors.

Bound up the stairs.

Two at a time.

Open the door...

Open the door...

The door isn't opening.

Rattle the handle.

Why would it be locked?

Peer through the window.

No one in the hallway.

No one to hear me.

Guess I'm not going to make it to that class after all.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 33

Jump up.

Where did everyone go?

Why am I in my room?


It's time to get up.


I won't need to grab my planner, right?

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 34

Elevator it is!

Let's see...

Press 5, door close...

Ding. Floor 1.

Ding. Floor 2.

Ding. Floor 2.


Ding. Floor 2.

Not again...

The doors are sliding open and closed erratically and two separate floors are visible between them.

Suddenly, the floor drops away.

No, wait, the whole box is plummeting.

It's only two floors plus the basement, the brakes will kick in, right?

The metal box stops, the doors wide open. I walk out, completely unharmed.

Shaken, but unharmed.

I can see the enormous coils that act as cushioning springs underneath the now-useless elevator. The room is just large enough to walk around outside the box.

"Help!" I yell.

No answer.

Why did I take the elevator?

I should have known better.

What if no one hears me?

That's silly, eventually, someone will notice the elevator not working.



  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 35

She doesn't look like she is going the right way.

Probably blowing off this class, like I should be.

  • Keep Looking for a Way InGo to Page 45.
  • Find Out Where That Door LeadsGo to Page 46.

Pᴀɢᴇ 36

Around the corner.

No doors here.

Around the next corner.

There's someone from class!

  • Maybe they know where to go. Follow her. Go to Page 28.
  • I wonder if class is canceled since she isn't there. Maybe I should just go back to my room. Go to Page 4.
  • Or maybe I should keep searching. Go to Page 35.

Pᴀɢᴇ 37

Door open.

Door close.

Door open.


I made it.

  • There's the ClassroomGo to Page 47.

Pᴀɢᴇ 38

Speed-walk down the hall to the stairs.

Only one flight up, no problem.

Standing outside the door.

Should I go in?

It's not too late to turn around.

Is this the right room?

207? Or was it 217?

Why don't I know this?

No one familiar is standing out here.

Maybe they are all inside.

Still not too late to go back.

  • Go Back HomeGo to Page 9.
  • There's the ClassroomGo to Page 47.

Pᴀɢᴇ 39

Kick the door.

Yell some more.

An alarm starts sounding.

Great, I set off something.

No, it was supposed to go off right now.

Open my eyes.

Time for class. I'd better not forget my planner.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 40

Rush across campus.

How fast can I go and still not look like I'm running?

Why is everyone else going so slow?

1, 2, 3. 1, 2. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2.

Steps per block of cement.

Only 4 more buildings to go.

Why is everything counting? Stop counting.

1, 2, 3. 1, 2. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2.

Maybe I should go back.

It is chilly.

I bet there won't be anything worthwhile there today anyway.

Finally, at the door to the building.

So many people standing around smoking.

Hold breath, get inside.

Keep silently holding my breath.

I wonder how long I can keep doing this.


Don't inhale...

Weave through so many people.

Double-check my bag, make sure I have what I need. What class is this again?

Doesn't matter, I brought all 5 books, a giant notebook, and my laptop.

Just have to get upstairs.

Take the stairs or the elevator? It seems like every elevator here has something wrong with it.

  • Take the StairsGo to Page 38.
  • Take the Elevator Go to Page 2.

Pᴀɢᴇ 41

Never a bad time for a root beer.

Better grab one.

Swipe card.

Hit button.

Bottle falls.

Twist cap.


MMMM... Delicious.

This puts everything into perspective.

I need to relax.

  • Just Relax on a Park Bench with ThisGo to Page 10.
  • Sit in on the Nearest ClassroomGo to Page 23.

Pᴀɢᴇ 42

The water looks so refreshing, I might as well take a sip.

It's delicious.

Ice cold.

I am a little sleepy now, too. Those cots are looking very inviting.

But why is everyone down here?

  • Take a Nap Go to Page 20.
  • Watch EveryoneGo to Page 13.

Pᴀɢᴇ 43

Nervously enter the elevator...

This never goes well...

The doors close.

Silence. No movement.

Suddenly, the floor lurches upward.

The doors open prematurely, exposing the floor outside dropping to meet the floor inside.

The elevator stops. It seems to be finished.

Step out, walk up to the classroom door.

Hesitate. Am I too late already?

Should I just stand here and pretend I went to class and go back when it's over?

No, I'm here. I might as well go in.

Sit down. No one looks familiar.

Is... this the right class?

Oh, no. It isn't.

  • Should I leave? I already interrupted by coming in late. Maybe I should just give up. Go to Page 12.
  • Should I try the other building, or is it too late already? Go to Page 14.
  • Maybe I should just sit here and hope no one notices I've never been here before. Go to Page 6.

Pᴀɢᴇ 44

It's not over yet.

Why do I feel compelled to make it to this class?

Off to what I hope is the correct class.

Why is the door to the building taped off?

  • Look for Another Entrance Go to Page 36.
  • Take This As a Sign to Just Go Back Go to Page 38.

Pᴀɢᴇ 45

Around the next corner.

Nothing on this side either.

  • Guess that means I had better go try that door. Go to Page 46.

Pᴀɢᴇ 46

This looks like the way to go.

Open the door.

Walk inside.

Empty hallway.

Great, the building shut down or something.

Why are there no signs?

  • Follow the HallwayGo to Page 27.
  • Go Back OutsideGo to Page 30.

Pᴀɢᴇ 47


I'm in the class. The right one.

And it's not over yet.

Too bad it's basically a review of the homework.

Why do most days just seem like a waste of time?

At least I get the attendance points.

Now that class is over, it's time for a nap.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.