Pᴀɢᴇ 1

Blood drips from your lip with each breath you take. You are glaring at the boy across from you. He has one hand covering the black you gave him. "You're not so tough," the boy says. "My granny hits harder than you."

"At least I'm not a coward, like you, John," you reply.

"Oh, yeah? If you're so brave, I dare you to stay tonight at the old house at the end of the street," John says.

"Fine, and I dare you to do the same," you demand.

"Alright, then. Try not to keep me awake with your screaming," John says. He walks away.

You head home to prepare for the night.

  • The Coin Flip Go to Page 26.

Pᴀɢᴇ 2

The moment you crack open the door, a gust of bitter-cold air blinds you. After the air stops blowing, you shine your light into the closet and see a lizard-like ice sculpture looking down at you. The sculpture is easily seven feet tall. As you flash your light around it, you start to pick up on strange details, such as its seven eyes that seem to follow you and its humanoid body. The strangest detail is the ice itself. You can feel the coldness and hardness of the ice when you place your hand on the creature's snout, but the ice almost seems to flow like water. You realize that this house may hold stranger things that you might want to see, but you're utterly captivated by the strange sculpture.

  • StayGo to Page 5.
  • LeaveGo to Page 22.

Pᴀɢᴇ 3

The next floor is almost in a worse state than the kitchen was. The rot has made dozens of holes in the ceilings and walls, old car parts are littered on the ground, an old workbench lies in ruins by the stairs, but the worst part of the room is the old car sitting in the center of it. The thing looks more like a rusted piece of metal than anything else. Seeing nothing else, you turn around and walked toward the staircase when you hear a sound come from the car.

  • Go Back DownstairsGo to Page 19.
  • Take a Look Through the Car Go to Page 29.

Pᴀɢᴇ 4

You look up at the front of the house. The house leans toward you like some monster about to be fed; but that is not the cause of the growing dread in you. Something about the house itself feels wrong. Like it shouldn't exist. You're starting to doubt if going through with the dare is a good idea.

  • Head In Go to Page 28.
  • Run Away Go to Page 36.

Pᴀɢᴇ 5

You are so captivated by the statue that you don't realize that ice is forming around your legs until it's too late. You panic and try to break free to no avail. The ice quickly climbs up your chest, your neck, and finally your head. Within minutes, you suffocate.

  • Front Page News Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 6

You enter into a fairly large bedroom. Despite the house having been abandoned for decades, this room is only slightly dusty. Even the large expensive-looking bed not only has a mattress and sheets, but it's even made. You could not have wished for a better place to sleep. You immediately jump onto the bed which collapses from your weight. The collapse surprises you, but otherwise, you and the bed are fine. You quickly crawl underneath the covers and fall asleep.

  • MorningGo to Page 13.

Pᴀɢᴇ 7

It has been a week since you left that house and the police still don't know who killed John. They don't even know how his body froze in the middle of summer. You don't know either, but you do know that you were lucky to have left that house before you wound up the same way as John.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 8

You let out a scream as a massive surge of pain tears you out from the beginnings of sleep. You look toward your legs to see what happened, but you wish you hadn't. Your eyes bulge in fright as you see some blob of luminescent purple slime crawl up your leg. You try to knock it off only for your hands to get stuck. You try to let out one last scream as you watch your hands being destroyed, but the thing covers your face. You quickly suffocate.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9

Feeling sleepy, you waste no time in getting to sleep. As you close your eyes, you tell yourself not to let the bedbugs bite. You wake up with a jolt. Confused, you look around to see what woke you. Seeing nothing, you lay back down, chuckling about how scared you were. As you close your eyes, you tell yourself that bedbugs don't bite.

  • They Do Go to Page 8.
  • They Don'tGo to Page 17.

Pᴀɢᴇ 10

After you move the chairs to a nearby wall to make room for your sleeping bag to lay down by the table, you smile at how scared you were of this house when you first walked in. You're just about to turn your light off when something white underneath the table catches your eye. Shining your light on it, you see that it's a pile of bones; human bones.

  • Run Out of the House Go to Page 25.
  • Go to SleepGo to Page 39.

Pᴀɢᴇ 11

You turn around and run back to your home. You can hear the other kids laughing at your cowardice. You don't stop until you're back home and away from that place. the next day, you hear people talking about how John hasn't been seen since he walked into that house last night. You know John died in that house. You're not sure how or why you know that John is dead, you just do.

That night, you have a nightmare. You're in that house and you're running from something, but you're not going anywhere. You're running on a sheet of ice on the ground. No matter how much you try, you can't get off the ice as that something comes closer.

You fall out of bed. Your heart calms long after you realize how you know John is dead. You even realize that house is taunting you, telling you it will take you when it wants.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 12

Police are still working on the case of the boy found in a block of ice last week. Though they suspect foul play, no leads on how the boy was frozen in the middle of the summer have been found. The mayor has issued a curfew on all citizens under the age of eighteen to prevent another tragedy.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 13

You stretch your arms after awakening from a death-like sleep. You stay in the bed for a few moments to enjoy the wonderful feeling you have, but soon you slip out of the bed and out of the house. You're wondering where you should go when you realize you're hungry. Within a few moments, you're home and ready for breakfast. You're walking into the kitchen when your mother sees you, but something is wrong. She drops the spoons in her hand and hugs you while crying.

From what you can understand, you were asleep in that old house for three weeks and nobody could find you. The police found John, but he wasn't alright. His doctors say he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While you were sleeping, John saw something; something that turned his hair snow white and aged him into an old man in less than a day.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 14

The air starts to feel warmer the moment you leave your sleeping bag. After thinking it over for a moment, you pack up your sleeping bag in case you find a better spot to sleep. Once you're done, you wonder if you should look in the closet or leave the room now to go look through the rest of the house.

  • ClosetGo to Page 2.
  • Leave RoomGo to Page 22.

Pᴀɢᴇ 15

You enter into a large living room. The furniture in the room is covered in dust and seems like it has never been used before. Besides a large couch along one of the walls, it seems like there isn't a good place to sleep here. You see two doors along the wall of the door you entered through. Across the room, on the opposite wall of the three doors, is a large opening that seems to lead to a kitchen.

  • Sleep HereGo to Page 9.
  • Door #1 Go to Page 23.
  • Door #2 Go to Page 6.
  • KitchenGo to Page 24.

Pᴀɢᴇ 16

Two skeletons of young children were found on the front lawn of an abandoned property yesterday morning. The dental records show they belong to a pair of children that went missing one week ago. The police are baffled about how the skeletons were stripped clean in less than a week with no signs of tool or chemical use.

Parents are advised to be on the lookout for strange persons and to make sure their children are supervised. Also, the mayor has begun talks of issuing a curfew to ensure children are not out at night.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 17

A buzzing stops you from falling completely asleep. You sit up once again, this time whacking your head on something flesh-like. Rubbing your head, you search for light. Finding it, you switch it on to see what you hit. You rub your eyes, thinking you must be asleep. A second look confirms the first. A man-sized praying mantis with a color-changing mass of flesh for a head is standing over you. Before you can scream, the creature lifts one of its arms and swings down causing your head to roll off your neck.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 18

You wake up. Your legs feel strange. You grab your light and shine on your legs. Immediately, you wish you hadn't. You see a carpet of bugs covering your legs. You start to beat them off, wondering why your legs aren't working. One swipe knocks away a squishy hunk of something that felt like meat. You panic and drop your light into the mass of bugs. Just for a moment, the mass scatters, exposing the white bones of your legs, causing you to faint.

  • Next Week Go to Page 16.

Pᴀɢᴇ 19

You're about halfway down the stairs when you see John. His clothes look ragged and his hair is a mess. You open your mouth to ask what happened to him, but he charges at you. You feel a sharp cold pain in your chest. John throws you down the stairs where your blood forms a puddle. You try to stand, but John jumps onto you and stabs his blade into your skull, finishing you.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 20

You thrash about as you awake from a nightmare. As your breathing and heart slow, you remember where you are. A quick look out the window shows that it is still night out. For some reason, the air feels colder than it did when you went to sleep. The thought of exploring the house more crosses your mind, but you still feel a little tired.

  • ExploreGo to Page 14.
  • SleepGo to Page 33.

Pᴀɢᴇ 21

You let the backdoor slam as you stomp away from the house, not caring about the overgrown weeds or the house leaning toward you. You barely feel the rusted metal of the backyard fence as you climb over it, only caring about sleeping in your own bed after a long shower.

  • Next Week Go to Page 7.

Pᴀɢᴇ 22

You take your first step out of the room when you hear the floorboards creak, the only warning you receive before you fall right through them. It seems you fall for hours before you hit the ground; the impact kills you instantly.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 23

You shine your light around the room. From what you can tell, it's a child's bedroom. The walls are covered in painted pictures that are peeling off. Dusty toys are littered everywhere, even on the small bed frame in the far corner of the room by the window.

You see another door that might lead to a closet on your left. You start to wonder if this would be a decent place to sleep, when you hear a large crack come from the closet.

  • Go to Sleep in the RoomGo to Page 32.
  • Leave RoomGo to Page 14.
  • Check Out the ClosetGo to Page 2.

Pᴀɢᴇ 24

You walk around a large hole in the floor of the large room. The room is split down the middle by the entrance to the living room and the backdoor exit.

To your left is an area that might have been a kitchen at one point, but now the appliances are gone and the cabinets are rotting away. The only other feature is a half-rotten staircase leading down.

To your right is a dining table with both it and its four chairs in surprisingly fine condition. Next to the table is another staircase, but this one is not rotten at all and it leads up.

You wonder at the strange contrast between the table and the kitchen until you realize someone is missing: John. He could be up or down the stairs, but it occurs to you that he could have chickened out of the dare.

  • Up the Stairs Go to Page 3.
  • Down the Stairs Go to Page 34.
  • Exit the House Go to Page 21.

Pᴀɢᴇ 25

You leap over the backyard fence. Your only concern is to get away from the house as fast as possible. The moment you are safe behind your front door, you collapse from exhaustion.

You thrash about as you wake from a horrible nightmare. The pain of smacking your hand on the front door knocks any remains of the nightmare from your mind. As your breathing calms, you wonder if you should keep what you saw to yourself or tell the police.

  • Keep It a Secret Go to Page 37.
  • Tell the Police Go to Page 40.

Pᴀɢᴇ 26

You check your bag one last time to make sure you have everything you need. Satisfied you have everything, you leave your house and head toward the old house down the street. As you approach, you see a large gathering of people have arrived before you. John is at the center of the group. He notices you approaching.

"Well, well," he says. "I thought you would have chickened out."

"I expected the same from you," you say.

"The only thing that could keep me away are screams you're gonna be making when you run out of this house. That reminds me; we'll be deciding who enters through which door with a coin flip. And since I'm a nice guy, I'll let you decide," John says.

"Heads, I get the front door," you reply. John tosses the coin.

  • Heads UpGo to Page 4.
  • Tails UpGo to Page 28.

Pᴀɢᴇ 27

You give a sigh of relief as you close the shed door behind you. You slump to the ground, happy that you don't have to stay a single second in that house. You are so lost in your thoughts that you don't realize something is in the shed with you, until its face is mere inches from yours. The creature's body is that of a spider the size of a car, but that pales in comparison to the horror of its face: a horrifying mixture of human and spider. Before you can scream, it bites you. You're dead before your head hits the ground.

  • DeadGo to Page 38.

Pᴀɢᴇ 28

You land with a soft thud on the other side of the fence. Your fingers ache a little from the rusty fence links. You look around the backyard, trying to avoid looking at the house. It does not matter which side of it you're on, the house seems to always lean toward you like a monster about to be fed.

With the dread from the house growing by the second, you're not sure if it'd be a good idea to actually stay in the house; but the only other place you could stay in is a small shed out here in the yard. You could stay there and tell everyone else you slept in the house, but if they find out you lied to them it'd be even worse than if you just ran away.

  • Enter the House Go to Page 31.
  • Stay in the ShedGo to Page 27.
  • Run AwayGo to Page 11.

Pᴀɢᴇ 29

Your light shines into the dark cabin of the car, but the beam doesn't seem to reach the bottom of the car at all. It's more like you're looking into a bottomless pit. You're thinking about opening the car when the darkness moves. A fang-filled mouth suddenly forms and bites off the arm carrying the light. The pain and sudden darkness causes you to panic and blackout.

  • You Awake Go to Page 34.

Pᴀɢᴇ 30

You toss all but one of the shoes into the next room and move the rug to the center of the room. After laying your sleeping bag on the rug, you eat a pair of cupcakes. After checking to make sure the group outside is gone, you prop open the front door with the old shoe you kept. You spend the next hour reading a book you brought. Once your eyelids start to feel heavy, you lay down chuckling about how scared of the house you were before. With one last chuckle, you tell yourself not to let the bedbugs bite.

  • You Wake UpGo to Page 18.

Pᴀɢᴇ 31

The backdoor creaks as you open it. You shine your light into the room to make sure it is empty of any life. Once you're sure it is, you carefully walk in, each step causing the floorboards to creak. Once in the center of the room, you can tell it used to be a kitchen and dining area. The backdoor forms a dividing line with the entrance of what looks like a living room.

On your right is the kitchen. There are no appliances and the cabinets are rotting away. The only other feature is a half-rotten staircase going down.

On your left is a table with four chairs in surprisingly fine condition. Also, there is a staircase, this one not rotten at all, that leads up.

The dining area looks like a decent place to sleep in, but there might be a better spot above or below you.

  • Stay in the Kitchen Go to Page 10.
  • Up the Stairs Go to Page 3.
  • Down the Stairs Go to Page 19.

Pᴀɢᴇ 32

You decide that whatever is in the closet can wait until the morning. After opening the window, you replace the toys on the bed frame with your sleeping bag. Before long, you fall into a deep sleep.

  • Wake Up Go to Page 20.

Pᴀɢᴇ 33

As your eyes shut once more, you feel colder and colder in spite of the thick sleeping bag.

Once more you wake up, but from the freezing cold instead of a nightmare. You try to sit but you can't. Panic sets in as you blindly try to escape the sleeping bag. You feel frost form on your face. Soon, you feel warm and tired. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

  • Next Week Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 34

A dull pain in your arm causes you to wake up. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the room's bright light. Once you can see, you realize you're in an empty hospital room. A glance at your arm confirms the two of them are both attached. You sigh in relief as you realize what you just had was just a nightmare. You get out of bed to see if you can find a doctor or someone to talk with.

The one door of the room seems strange; beneath the window is a strange sign that says "Mental patients are not allowed to wander around unsupervised." You turn around and see not a hospital room but a padded room. You try to cover your face with both hands, only to realize one of them is missing.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 35

You swallow your fear and enter the house. You close the door behind you and switch on one of the lights you brought with you. Immediately you see another door. You flash your light around the room and see that it is quite small. The floor has a stained rug with a few pairs of old shoes on it. The rug is fairly soft and large enough that you could lay your sleeping bag on it. The only downside is the small size and musty smell, but the front door could be propped open once the group outside leaves, to take care of the smell. All in all, it seems a decent place to spend the night.

  • Stay Here Go to Page 30.
  • Find a Different PlaceGo to Page 15.

Pᴀɢᴇ 36

You turn around and run back to your home. You can hear the other kids laughing at your cowardice. You don't stop until you're back home and away from that place. The next day, you hear people talking about how John hasn't been seen since he walked into the house last night. You know John died in that house. You're not sure how or why you know that John is dead, you just do.

After school, you go back to that house. It still feels wrong, but somehow it's not leaning forward. Instead, it seems like it's sleeping off a meal. A creaking sound draws your eyes to the front door. A skeleton lays just inside the house. You call the police, who confirm the skeleton is John. Something picked his bones clean. Something that didn't leave any marks on the bones. Something that could strip a person to bone in less than a day. Something that is still in that house.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 37

Hitting the ground wakes you from your nightmare. For a moment you lay there, just happy to be out of the nightmare once again. With each day it grows more vivid; this time, you could feel your bones as they were thrown into a pile after the flesh was ripped from them.

You push yourself off the floor and onto your knees, soon you're standing. Your eyes catch your reflection in the mirror. The face that looks back isn't the face of a twenty-six-year-old, but of a wrinkled ninety-year-old man. Your body is more bone and skin than flesh, your teeth are gone, and your eyes are hollow and dead. You shudder as you feel the urge to walk down the street and enter that accursed house once more. Each day, you feel the urge grow stronger and stronger as you grow weaker. You know one day you will enter that house once more and suffer that nightmare one last time.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 38

That's what you get for being a giant chicken.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 39

You awake in a cold sweat, the nightmare you had already fading from memory. Though the light coming in from the small holes in the walls tells you it's morning, you still feel a bit tired. A quick glance to your side shows that there is a pile underneath the table, but it is a pile of white dust. Having confirmed you were only seeing things last night, you pack up your light and sleeping bag and leave the house through the front door. You don't see John on your way out, but you believe you will see him soon enough.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 40

You sit up, screaming. The straitjacket prevents you from thrashing your arms. Once you've calmed down, you work through the motions of getting the jacket off. A quick glance at the large mirror across the room confirms that you're not a pile of bones. For just a moment, you don't care that medications no longer work or that the nightmares are getting worse; you're just happy to be alive. Even the memory of the officers only finding John's skeleton and not the pile of bones you saw doesn't ruin your mood, but the memory of the nights waking up in front of that accursed house do. Even on a different continent, you still feel the pull of that house and you know that one day you will walk into it but not out.

  • 🥳Play AgainGo to Page 1.