
The abrupt knock on the door jarred Sam out of his daydream. He hissed as he turned to the door. He wasn't expecting company, because company never came. No one ever came. Which means "they" had come. Sure it was only rumor to be hones, but more and more Seekers had started talking about "them". People who turned Seeker into prey. As if Holders weren't bad enough. He quickly closed the lid of the shoebox and put it on the nearby counter. The door burst open off its hinges. A bunch of people in body armor with weapons ran into the room, followed by a man and a woman. The men with guns shined their flashlights through the darkness at him. What stood in front of the group could barely still be called a man, he was far too thin and had obviously not been getting a lot of sleep.

"Give us the Objects, Sam, and no one gets hurt," the man in the suit said. Sam simply growled, there was no way they were going to take his Objects. No one would take his Objects. But before he could run at the first person, the woman had already ordered them to fire. A barrage of bullets took the man down quickly. He twitched once, before dying. The woman signaled the rest of the soldiers to search the remaining rooms, while stepping toward the shoebox.

"Wasn't that a bit unnecessary?" the man in the suit said with a smile. The woman shot him a glare.

"Oh, shut it, Rockwell. The only thing unnecessary about that was you trying to talk him into surrendering. Has that ever worked?" She slowly lifted up the lid of the shoebox. You never knew how these idiots would try to booby-trap their belongings. But there was no trap this time, just a bunch of ordinary objects, or at least that's what it looked like to the untrained eye. Amidst the clutter of rubber bands and thumbtacks were three Objects. A pretty good find for a Seeker that was so weak. But one thing caught her eye, something that clearly didn't belong with the other scraps.

"Now, now, Ms. Leviller, who was the one that found this man? Who found all the information for this raid?" he paused, seeing her grow confused. "What's the matter?" She reached into the shoebox, and pulled out three links of an iron chain, obviously outdating anything else in the box.

"What the hell is this?" she asked as Rockwell moved closer to examine it himself. "Rockwell, did your intel mention anything about chain links?" Rockwell pulled out one of their bags they used to hold the Objects and put the chain inside, saying that he would send it down to the lab, but otherwise that he had not known anything about the links. "Well, if it turns out to be something huge, you better not take credit for it, you are already the boss's 'favorite'." He laughed at that, as she put the rest of the Objects into the same type of bags and put them all in the suitcase she had brought along with her. She instructed the rest of the soldiers to make their way back to the van downstairs, preparing to leave Rockwell to finish his job. "It's all yours, all clear. We'll be at the RD building to drop these off. Don't be too late," she said with a wink before adding, "I swear someday we're going to find Legion if we keep nailing them like this, we got the suckers on the run."


Rockwell was alone again. He preferred to work this way, in a few minutes he would search the room for all the available information on any other Seekers Sam could have known. Then he would track them down one by one and confiscate their Objects, in the name of peace. But he would do that soon. First, he had his own plans to take care of. He pulled out the three links of the chain that they had taken off of Sam, and pulled one more link out of his coat pocket. Exactly the same. That meant he was one step closer to his completed chain. He wasn't entirely sure how the chain would work, but he had seen the Objects do extraordinary things, which would mean a lost Object could do incredible things.

"One step at a time, Rockwell."

"I know, I know," he thought out loud. "But I've done so much in order to get closer to what I want, but none of my important questions have been answered. How much longer do I have to wait?"

"Finish the chain and open the hole. Then you will get answers," the Voice responded. Rockwell put the links back into his coat pocket. He would leave those there, and tell Leviller that they were nothing of interest. She would believe him. She trusted him, even though she was slightly overzealous in her raids. He looked back at the body, knowing he could have gotten more information out of the man. Murder is much easier than torture. Eventually something would have to be done with Leviller. He looked up at the ceiling fan. "I still don't trust you, you know that?"

"I know."