Pᴀɢᴇ 1

You wake up, and it's about 5 a.m. You are hungry, so you go to make yourself a snack. You walk out into the kitchen when you hear this really strange noise coming from outside your apartment. You...

  • Go to check it out. Go to Page 14.
  • Ignore it, you think it's nothing. Go to Page 15.

Pᴀɢᴇ 2

Well, good job. You've just been bitten, but instead of your maker being distracted he pretty much just eats all of you. You don't turn into a zombie, but your body sure does bleed a lot... Sucks for you.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 3

They've barricaded you into your city so the zombie plague can't get beyond city limits. You sit there and realize you're about to be attacked by a horde of zombies. They rip your car to pieces, and you get eaten.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 4

Well, this was a really bad choice. The zombies notice you before you even finish pulling up. They attack your car and break your window. You were screwed coming here to begin with. You get bitten and pass out. This time, you don't have to feel being eaten alive, they just eat until they're done. Should have chosen the alternative...

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Pᴀɢᴇ 5

You break your legs from the three-story fall, and zombies eat you. It's a bloody, gory mess.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 6

You shoot most of them down, but two of the zombie dogs attack you and you die. I guess you just weren't going to get out alive, but hey. Don't feel bad, you aren't the only one out there with no hope. Your city has been demolished, and you fought with every ounce of your being, but... you failed. Good job, soldier. Maybe next time.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 7

Well, you have a weapon, so if it tries anything, you shoot it. Simple. So, you walk out of your apartment, contemplating locking your door, just in case you need to get back up there, and quick; you don't lock it.

You proceed down the steps, when the strange being drops your friend and runs after you. Without hesitation, you shoot it in the leg. It trips but gets right back up.

You think, "What in the -?"

So you shoot it again, this time in the head. It drops to the ground and doesn't get back up. By the time you figure out that it's actually dead, your buddy jumps up and comes after you.

Here, you make an important decision. You...

  • Don't shoot, and ask your buddy if he's okay. Go to Page 2.
  • Shoot him in the face like you did that other hungry bastard and think nothing of it. Go to Page 11.
  • Turn around, run back up the stairs to your apartment, and get inside and lock the door. Go to Page 9.

Pᴀɢᴇ 8

You get attacked by zombies, and you're screwed. You die.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 9

There is already a zombie waiting for you. You should have locked the door, dumbass. You can't get to your weapon, and you get attacked. You die.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 10

They barricaded the city so the zombie plague can't get farther than the city limits. You get attacked by three zombies and you bleed to death.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 11

He drops to the ground quick. You might just survive this apocalypse... But, you're gonna need some more ammo. Also, good job thinking on your feet. Now, you need to go somewhere... So you...

  • Go to your car and head for the fishing and hunting pro shop, in hopes of finding a more effective weapon. Go to Page 23.
  • Run back up to your apartment and reload your .44. Go to Page 18.
  • Run for your car and just start driving for the city border.Go to Page 3.

Pᴀɢᴇ 12

These bastards aren't going to take over your town! You begin thinking. You rush up the stairs, run into your apartment, where you have a nice zombie waiting for you, and you shoot it in the face. It falls to the ground, and you look out the window. There are a few zombies, but none surrounding your car.

You reload your gun and head back down. You jump into your car and head back to the pro shop. You get there, and creating the diversion the first time you were there helped, because they all left. There are a few walking around on the streets beside it...

  • You change your mind about conquering zombie ass, and head for city borders. Go to Page 22.
  • You quietly get out of the car and run for the building. Go to Page 16.

Pᴀɢᴇ 13

Well, one of the dogs that you failed to shoot jumps on you and attacks you, causing you to fall, which also is a setback. You are eaten alive by the dogs and the zombies. I guess that just goes to show, in a situation like this, keep your balls and glory shut up. Should have chosen the alternative...

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Pᴀɢᴇ 14

You see your buddy from A7 being mauled by this disgusting form. You realize it looks like a person, but why in the HELL is it eating your friend?! You are curious to get a closer look, but you're worried it might try and eat you too, so you...

  • Get out your .44 and go to check on your friend. Go to Page 7.
  • Lock your door, and barricade the windows and any other entries.Go to Page 24.

Pᴀɢᴇ 15

You fall back asleep, and wake up to more noises rustling outside your door. You...

  • Check it out.Go to Page 8.
  • Ignore it. Go to Page 25.

Pᴀɢᴇ 16

You get in, and you only had to use one bullet. You look around for a gun cabinet and you spot one. It has a lock on it, but you figure the keys should be around here somewhere. You start looking and you find the keys.

Three zombies sneak up on you, they all work here... Or used to, anyway. Must've lost to the recent horde of zombies you saw earlier... You shoot two in the face, and the other jumps on your back. You point your gun to his head and before he bites you, you pull the trigger. The weight slowly falls off your shoulders, and you are triumphant.

You unlock the gun cabinet and get as many guns and as much ammo as you can carry. You find a bag, which can help you carry the guns... You start filling it up. You carry the automatic rifle on you, just in case you need to shoot anything.

You start to head for the door when two strange snarling dogs round the corner outside. You think, "Oh, lovely. The plague of living dead things is inter-species? Awesome."

They start growling and barking when they see you inside, which catches the attention of a few zombies and they start walking up to the door... You...

  • Walk out the door before they can get there, and start shooting frantically. Go to Page 13.
  • You run to a door that takes you to the roof of the pro shop. Go to Page 19.

Pᴀɢᴇ 17

You make it to your apartment and you shoot your way up the stairs. You get into your self-proclaimed safe place and barricade the windows and doors. There is a zombie in your bathroom that you find after you've barricaded yourself in, and you shoot it. Man, you're good.

Well, you decide to make yourself a can of soup and some toast. You're hungry and you think you're safe, so why not? You get done making yourself food, which is considered dinner at this hour. You hear some strange noises. Sounds like something is getting into your safe haven... You...

  • Go check it out. Go to Page 20.
  • Run for your life into your room and barricade yourself in there... Go to Page 21.

Pᴀɢᴇ 18

You reload, but on your way down to your car, you get mauled by a hungry zombie dog. You die.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 19

Good thinking. You lock the door, even though you don't think the zombies could get in downstairs. You set up one of the guns on the edge of the roof and eliminate all of your hindering obstacles outside the building.

You rush down the stairs, keeping your guard up in case any got in. You are lucky, none did. You have your bag of guns and ammo in hand, and you haul your ass quickly to your car. You quickly take off.

You have survived so far, but how much longer do you think you'll stay lucky? You've got to go somewhere, where you can stay out of reach of the zombies and have some food to thrive on until this is over. So you head over to...

  • The supermarket. Go to Page 4.
  • Your apartment. Go to Page 17.

Pᴀɢᴇ 20

You are attacked by one of those strange dog figures, and soon after comes a horde of angry zombies and you get mowed over. You have to endure being eaten alive. Good job, would've lasted a little while longer if you chose the alternative.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 21

You run to your room, but it's too late to barricade yourself. They are piling into your little apartment and they're coming quick. You...

  • Break your window and jump out. Go to Page 5.
  • Just stay in your room and hope you can shoot 'em all down. Go to Page 6.

Pᴀɢᴇ 22

You get attacked on your way to the city border and you die.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 23

You get there, and there is a horde of zombies surrounding the place. They notice your car and they see you, so they all take off running for your car.

You back out of the place and head for...

  • City border. Go to Page 10.
  • Your apartment. Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 24

You survive for a while, but you don't even make it out of your apartment. You died.

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Pᴀɢᴇ 25

They come rushing into your house, and you die.

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