Subject Line: STUDIO
Where is Celestine's spare studio key located?
- Statue of Saint Expedite
Subject Line: DECODED
What is Celestine's laptop password?
The sticky note says connect the dots... The only dots to appear so far are in the storybook.
- We have ourselves a book cipher.
The letters are acronyms relating to the story titles. The numbers refer to the words in the italicized portions of the stories.
- MP 10 = Mère Petitpas and Her Violet Absinthe → Purple
- GG 2 = Graveyard Guardians / second word → Gray
- GVQ 16 = Grave of the Voodoo Queen → Crimson
- PBL 14 = The Pirage Brothers Lafitte and the Baratarians → Turquoise
The note says to connect purple dots to gray dots and crimson dots to turquoise dots.
- On page 7, connecting crimson to turquoise = MBI
- On page 9, connecting purple to gray = ZO
The laptop password is: