
The bass rumbled as the bouncer quickly pocketed the hundred dollar bills, and let the group pass.

The club was extraordinarily big, as people from all parts of the city's night life danced and drank the night away. Several local stars would often come down for a drink or two, so nobody blinked at the group that entered. The man in the suit led the two well-dressed women he was with into the main room. Few people's eyes lingered on the man, instead looking at the women he was with. Those who did recognize the man stopped dancing briefly, before warily continuing with their fun. The group made their way down past the dancers to the bar, past the near blinding strobe light. The man in the suit's gaze stopped briefly on the door far left which had two large bouncers in front of it, sizing up anyone who would walk nearby. The man in the suit turned to the bartender and ordered drinks for the two women. The bartender mixed the drinks quickly before leaning back toward the man.

"Anything for you?"

"I'd like to talk to the owner," the man responded, while passing the bartender an extra fifty dollars. "We have business matters to discuss." The bartender nodded and told him to wait a moment, as he went toward the door on the left talking briefly to one of the bouncers. He returned quickly after.

"What did you say your name was again?" The man simply smiled and made his way to the bouncers himself. The bartender watched as the man talked to them in a calm fashion, until one or two minutes later they let him walk by into the room. He wondered who that was, but dismissed it as simply a business associate. He turned his attention back toward the two girls still at the bar as they asked for more drinks.

The man climbed the last few steps into the private room overlooking the entire club. Inside were several bodyguards and a younger man, wearing baggy clothing, gold chains and watch, and a backward baseball cap. The man finished snorting some coke before noticing the man in the suit.

"Who the fuck are you? The fuck do you think you're doing up here?"

"I've been looking for you for a while, James. It's almost like you were hiding." The man in the suit stepped further into the room, as James became more and more agitated.

"Nobody calls me James. You have one more chance to tell me who you are before I get these guys up on you."

"Rockwell," the man in the suit responded. James dropped his straw, muttering in disbelief as he looked at the man standing before him. There was no way that man could be Rockwell, he was sure that Rockwell couldn't find him! Without even bothering to take the shocked expression off his face, he turned to his guards.

"Kill him. Kill him!" But Rockwell already had his revolver out. He shot three of the guards before the fourth one shot him twice, after which he shot that man twice more. Bullet wounds didn't slow him down as he walked closer and closer to James. James started saying half-stammered apologies, promising him whatever he could want. Rockwell explained that there was only one thing he wanted, and James already knew that. Pushing him back over onto the ground he grabbed the gold-plated chains around his neck, chastising him on trying to hide them by painting them gold. Rockwell brought the pistol to the man's head. James closed his eyes and tried not to scream. Another gunshot was muffled by the loud music outside as not even the bartender bothered to look back at the door nearby. James opened his eyes to see that Rockwell had shot the links open, taking the chain away from the man.

"You have no idea how much of my time I had to spend in order to find this. Do you think I have a lot of time, James?" James only stammered an unintelligible response. "The answer is yes, yes I do. But if I ever have to chase you down to find something I want, you are not going to be as lucky as this time." The man in the suit put the chain in his pocket and walked out of the room, while the man on the ground watched his every step.

Rockwell collected the two women at the bar and escorted them out of the club and down the street where his limousine was waiting. One of the girls asked him if his mission was successful, which he replied with yes. She then thanked him for allowing them to help. He promised them extra pay for their great acting before opening one of his nearby suitcases in order to update his data. He had now gained another dozen links in the Chain of Legion, and he wondered how many more he would need. But the Voice hadn't failed him yet, so Rockwell decided to be patient, as the limo turned and drove off toward the nearest airport.

Once the chain was complete, he would contact the two men that he had been investigating. After that, everything would fall into place.