Stage 5 - Case 7

The Break-In


Pᴀɢᴇ 4 → [Inside City Grill]
Enter the kitchen.

  • 👉ContinueGo to Page 9.

Pᴀɢᴇ 5 → [Inside City Grill]
Enter the basement.

    •  → Go to Page 6
    •  Go to Page 7.
    •  → Go to Page 8.

Pᴀɢᴇ 4

I couldn't find any keys in the supply cabinet to use. There are more cabinets though.

  • Cabinet 1: Cleaning Agent, Sanitizer, Coffee Machine Cleaner, Degreaser, Drain Opener
  • Cabinet 2: Vinegar, Water, Gelatin, Crushed Tomatoes, Syrup

Pᴀɢᴇ 6 → [Crack the Lock]
How can I find the first number in the combination lock?

Pᴀɢᴇ 7 → [Crack the Lock]
How can I find the second number in the combination lock?

Pᴀɢᴇ 8 → [Crack the Lock]
How can I find the third number in the combination lock?

  • 👉 → Go to Page 9.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9

Now that I've bypassed the padlock, I can take a look around.

I'm sure the money is down here somewhere.

*You look around for the boxes*

This place doesn't look like it's for restaurant storage.

Those boxes probably have 40 million in cash.

I need to find them, I'm risking so much by being here.

I can't come out empty-handed.

  • 👉ContinueGo to Page 14.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9
Present Day 

Jenna: How long did it take you to crack the lock?

Nikita: The locking mechanisms behind most small combination locks are quite primitive. As a result, I was able to crack the lock in 14 seconds.

*Jenna gives a strange look...*

Jenna: 14 seconds? You remember exactly?

Nikita: Yes.

Jenna: How do you remember everything so well?

Nikita: That's a secret for another time.

Jenna: Supreme intellect and memory, what a combination!

Nikita: They are both curses, Jenna.

Jenna: Curses? How so?

Nikita: I suppose I can explain... because this impacts this entire story.

Communication is a two-way street. In efforts to establish value for both parties, it is highly recommended that the delta in IQ is no larger than one standard deviation. This means plus or minute 15 IQ.

Jenna: I understand. A dumb person cannot talk to a smart person effectively.

Nikita: Precisely. But, moreover, a smart person cannot communicate with an extremely smart person. The delta in IQ cannot be larger than 15 points.

Now do the math. The average intelligence quotient is 100 and mine is roughly 195. This places me over 6 standard deviations above the average.

Jenna: I know, this is why I was so impressed and shocked with your level of intellect...

Nikita: If I'm 6 standard deviations above average, this means I'm in search of a person who is at least 5 standard deviations above average.

Jenna, do you see the issue at hand?

Jenna: Yeah...

Nikita: If the concept behind IQ and effective communication is solid, one in every 3 million people is suitable to communicate with me.

Most people are jealous of my intellect. However, imagine a world in which the one and only person you respect is your twin brother.

And then, imagine losing that brother.

Jenna: I'm sorry, I don't even know what to say.

Nikita: The punchline is: high intellect is a curse.

It's always lonely at the top.

Jenna: We are communicating effectively though. So, you have me.

*Nikita stops briefly and stares into Jenna's eyes*

Nikita: That's the thing, Jenna... We aren't.

Jenna: We aren't? I think we are communicating just fine...

Nikita: No. Because I have all the leverage in this conversation.

Just by speaking with you, I've learned things about you that you don't even know about yourself.

I'm in the driver seat for this interview. And you don't even realize it.

And you can't take me out of the driver seat... because you don't know how I got there.

💭Jenna: What the hell?

Jenna: Um... I guess.

Nikita: Exactly, it's confusing. But to me, it's clear as day. I've gained leverage while you've lost it.

Believe it or not, the moment you asked for my life story, I already knew I'd see the outside of this prison.

And if we're being completely honest, the smartest move you can make right now is to leave all this behind... including me.

*Jenna's eyes grow larger*

💭Jenna: Leave it all behind???

Nikita: But I already know, Jenna...

You won't.

Hmm... I think I've lost you. We went off on a strange tangent. I know you can't stop now. You need to hear the rest of this story. So, let's continue.

Jenna: But wait, you said your memory was a curse?

Nikita: That one is obvious. I can remember all of the death, the pain, the tragedy, the rage, the darkness... as if it took place yesterday.

Jenna: That's so...

Nikita: Tragic.

Jenna: Yeah...

*Jenna closes her eyes*

*Nikita stares ahead*

Nikita: You know, there's a saying - "It's not that we want to die, we just want the pain to go away."

The culmination of this story leaves me thinking just that. Is death the cure? Is it the only remedy? The pain is just... so real.

Jenna: It's cliché to say, but time heals everything, Nikita.

Nikita: Does time heal everything if my memories never wither? What if it feels like time doesn't pass at all? I remember this pain like it was yesterday.

So that's the question...

Does time heal everything, or does death?

Jenna: That's such a grim view...

Nikita: Sometimes the truth can be very grim...

If I have learned anything... it's that life is pain. And if you think otherwise, you just haven't learned it yet.

Jenna: You're probably the most interesting person I've ever met.

*Nikita remains silent*

Nikita: Ready to continue?

Jenna: Yeah...

  • 👉ContinueGo to Page 15.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9

Where could these boxes be?

This place is quite strange...

This feels like a criminal headquarters.

*You look further in the dark basement*

Another locked door.

  • Second Locked Door

    • 🔍Attempt to unlock the second door.Go to Page 10.

Pᴀɢᴇ 10 → [Second Locked Door]
Attempt to unlock the second door.

I'll need to unlock this padlock if I want to see what's behind this door. I'm getting closer to the money; I can feel it.

  • 👉The 2nd Padlock Go to Page 11.

Pᴀɢᴇ 11

The second padlock was similar to the first.

Had I known there would be so many padlocks, I would have brought a bolt cutter.

None of these boxes resemble the cargo boxes I saw.

Did they place the cash in new boxes?

I suppose they could have moved the money.

But why would they move the money into new boxes?

Did they put the cash in the crates?

Maybe there's more to this...

*You turn around and look past the boxes and crates*

Really? Another locked door?

*You sigh*

  • Third Locked Door

    • 🔍Attempt to unlock the third door.Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 12 → [Third Locked Door]
Attempt to unlock the third door.

I'll need to unlock this padlock if I want to see what's behind this door. I hope this is the last padlock...

  • 🔍The 3rd PadlockGo to Page 13.

Pᴀɢᴇ 13

I can't believe it, there's so much money here...

We get what we deserve...

Twelve boxes instead of two.

It's my lucky day.

I wonder if my brother found more cash than expected...

It turns out we can give Katina less than 33%!

*You think for a moment*

If I take all of this money, we're going to need as much time as possible to run.

How can I give us more time to escape the country?

Every minute counts.

I need something that will prevent the men from opening the lock.

But they need to not realize the lock has been tampered with.

I'll need to synthesize an adhesive because I don't see any normal glue.

Chemistry sure is useful!

Vinegar + gelatin will create a clear adhesive.

This will prevent the lock from opening. And the glue will be concealed.

They'll never know what hit them.

If only I was here to see their reactions.