
The man in the suit was growing restless.

It had been one year since he had found himself in this plane of existence, one year since then, and no answers. He found himself isolated from the humans that inhabited the world, he could see all of their shortcomings so very easily, and had no interest in them. They regarded him with fear, and that was fine with him. But he had begun to wonder if there was anything for him to ever find out the truth. That was why, on the eve of his birthday, he returned to the field he had found himself in all those months ago. He waited, for something to happen, but for a long time nothing did. At least not until the sun left the sky.

At midnight in the moonless sky, the stars themselves seemed to fade away. Blackness took over every corner of the sky, leaving Rockwell in the dark. That is when the Voice appeared.

"I can help you."

Rockwell spun around, trying to find the source of the sound, but nothing was nearby. No movement anywhere. Not even the ever-moving plants budged from their stance. It was as if the entire world had frozen with fear, waiting for the chance to move again.

"Who are you?" Rockwell asked out loud, searching the sky with his eyes, but nothing but darkness stared back at him.

"I am nothing but a guide."

Rockwell kept looking around, trying to pinpoint the location of the mysterious Voice.

"You can keep looking, but you won't see me anywhere, in fact I'm much closer than you could imagine, I'm right here," Rockwell found himself pointing at his own head, a movement he never meant to do. Quickly lowering his arm in shock, he took a second to think.

"What are you?"

"Like I said, I am a guide. I'm here to help you, 'Rockwell', to get what you want. But in order to do that, you need to find me. But you have a lot of learning to do first before you can become a Seeker." Rockwell had no idea what the Voice was talking about, or what a Seeker was for that matter. But he accepted that it was the only way to answer his questions. This Voice had some idea of what was going on, and Rockwell would follow it as long as he needed to.

"What do I need to do?" Rockwell asked in a much more calm manner.

"First, you need to head West. I will tell you when you've gone far enough. Be patient, it will take a long time to find me, but you have all the time you'll ever need. And I have all the answers you want."

"Who am I?" Rockwell asked back at the sky. But the moon had already returned to its place, and all was silence once more.