
The man in the suit walked into the elevator in silence, looking back at the past events. All he had wanted was knowledge, but instead he gained power. More than he could imagine. But in a strange way, he was okay with it. Rockwell had all the time in the world to find out what he wanted. So he might as well take care of some side business.

The elevator stopped at the penthouse, but needed a key to open the final door before one could enter the suite. Rockwell didn't need keys anymore. This was not a time for finesse. He pried the doors open with his bare hands and walked into the large room. Walls lined with exquisite paintings, hand-carved furniture and pianos, statues worth more than their weight in gold. Rockwell cared nothing for them. The large man sat on the sofa chair in the middle of the room. Legion.

"I was told you were expecting me," Rockwell sneered at the man.

Legion sat up in a calm manner, but that dissipated when he laid his eyes on the man in the suit. Shock, but no fear. "You."

Rockwell straightened up. "You recognize me?"

The silence nearly screamed through the room until Legion spoke again.

"And you don't?"

Rockwell was almost instantly on him, grabbing the man that was practically twice his size. He threw him across the room, breaking countless items around the room. Legion picked himself up. Refusing to fight the man, he simply stood there, speaking once again.

"You don't remember me, do you? Then you have no idea what you are doing."

Rockwell hit him in the face with the nearest statue, then picked up the man and threw him into the glass table nearby. Still, the man did not fight back, and still, he talked calmly.

"You call yourself Rockwell, but do you even know what you are?"

Rockwell was tired of these cat and mouse games, these useless questions, stalling factors. He was ready to get what he wanted.

"Well, if all goes according to my plan, when I kill you, I will become an Object, isn't that right? No longer barely human, but a full-fledged Object."

Rockwell grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him toward the large windows that showed so much of the city. Dragging him across the floor, Rockwell couldn't help but wonder if the man was even resisting. He didn't care though, it was all the same in the end. He smashed the window and held the man out of it. Legion looked right into the eyes of the man holding him by the neck with pity. Rockwell only laughed.

"And don't forget, Legion, Objects can't be destroyed."

"You're a Holder."

Rockwell only hesitated for a moment, before breaking the man's neck and throwing him down to the streets below.

There was no smile this time, and far above the building storm clouds began to form.