Captain Arthur Hastings receives a telegram from an old friend, Zoe Havering, informing him of the murder of her uncle-in-law, Harrington Pace. Under normal circumstances, Hastings would call upon the expertise of Hercule Poirot, the world's greatest detective, to handle the case. However, Poirot has been sidelined by a bout of influenza, leaving the sleuthing up to Hastings, who normally only chronicles and catalogs Poirot's cases. Hastings, a soldier, not a detective, is faced with a secluded hunting lodge full of suspects and only the faintest idea of what to do.
Facebook Group
Physical Contents*hidden/further steps required to obtain
- Banner
- Ben's Envelope
- Ben's Photograph
- Blueprints
- Burnt Paper
- Cheque Envelope
- Communique from Hastings
- Construction Memo
- Crime Scene Report
- Cryptography Pamphlet
- Diary
- Event Invitation
- Flask
- *Investigation File
- *Last Will and Testament
- Letter from Poirot
- Letter to Coahoma
- Menu Draft
- *Missing Journal Page
- Nature Notes
- Newspaper Article
- *Obituary Card
- Photograph of Pace and Wallace
- Ring
- Ripped Cheque
- Roger's Criminal Records
- Service Record
- Theatre Poster
- Unsigned Letter
- *Watch