Pᴀɢᴇ 1

You wake up, the morning is surprisingly warm for late October. Leaves cling to the trees and litter the ground. You look out, everything is wet, you slept through quite a storm. You stretch your arms wide and arch your back. You feel well-rested. From downstairs, you hear your mother calling for you.

  • Go downstairs and go to school.Go to Page 5.
  • Go downstairs and go to work.Go to Page 11.
  • Fake being sick to get out of your obligations.Go to Page 8.

Pᴀɢᴇ 2

You slide into the sultry, hot, steaming soup of your own filth. It feels quite nice.

You hear a noise to your left. You turn your head slowly.

Looking you in the eyes is a clown with curly, rainbow hair, and a red circle nose.

  • Scream. Go to Page 19.

Pᴀɢᴇ 3

After 5 and a half hours of Orange Is the New Black, you remember your mother just did a Costco run! You run downstairs and hesitate. In the freezer, there are your favorite microwave burritos. In the basement, there are boxes of mac and cheese. Which do you want to eat?

  • Burritos.Go to Page 15.
  • Mac and cheese. Go to Page 22.

Pᴀɢᴇ 4

You press yourself even closer into the glass as the gunman notices you. You cower in the corner and hope. He lines up the gun and shoots.

It misses.

Instead of an explosion of pain, you feel nothing. Part of you registers the sound of glass shattering so loudly it may as well be exploding from inside you.

That is when you realize what's happened.

The glass that held all your weight has fallen away. You are falling, too.

  • Scream. Go to Page 9.

Pᴀɢᴇ 5

Your mother smiles at you as you come down the stairs. Your hair is well-combed today and she notices.

"Who are you trying to impress?" she asks.

You, of course, being the teenager you are, don't answer her. She doesn't need to know about your love life (or lack thereof). She makes you toast with your favorite spread for breakfast and packs you a lunch. You trudge out the door and head to class without thanking her.

When you reach your final block of the day, you realize you have not finished your homework. Your psychotic 4th block teacher is going to murder you. Literally, murder you and hang your head up on a metal spike for all who think they can get a good grade in his class.

Down the hall, you cower in fear at attending his class and go over your options in your little head.

  • Go to town with your friends. Go to Page 6.
  • Go home. Go to Page 10.
  • Attend the class anyway.Go to Page 17.

Pᴀɢᴇ 6

Your friend gives you a ride to the city where you meet with a group of friends. You eat frozen yogurt and buy costumes for the upcoming Halloween parties you will surely be invited to.

When you return home, your mother is disappointed in you. You understand her and go to bed without dinner.

  • Sleep. Go to Page 16.

Pᴀɢᴇ 7

You wait until the gunman looks away and scurry over the glass railing. You take a deep breath.

  • Jump! Go to Page 9.

Pᴀɢᴇ 8

You crawl back into bed and yell out that you are not feeling too well and can't go today. You cough (Quite sadly, I'll admit; is that your best fake cough? Pathetic.) and wait until your family leaves.

You don't have any big plans for the day, but you realize you could make some.

  • Marathon Netflix all day. Go to Page 3.
  • Sneak out. Go to Page 14.

Pᴀɢᴇ 9

For a moment, it feels as if you are floating. The air encompasses you gently and you drift.

The wind begins to rip at your clothes, your skin, everything hurts. You miss the balcony below you and continue to plummet downward at impossible speeds. The air presses you so hard that you can feel your bones moving, your organs shifting in your flesh.

Pain erupts from inside of you as you scream. Your heart leaps into your throat.

In a moment, when you hit the cold pavement 11 stories below, it leaps 4 feet to your left.

It is awful for the cleanup crew.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 10

You go home and realize you stink. You slip into a nice warm bath.

You hear a noise to your left. You turn your head, slowly at first, but then once you see what is there, you lurch.

A clown is staring at you, his cruel face painted into an eternal smile.

  • Bathe.Go to Page 19.

Pᴀɢᴇ 11

You dress slowly in your nicest clean clothes. Not much is clean, so your clothes really aren't that nice, but you tried. That's what matters! You brush your teeth and meander downstairs.

"It's already 8:02!" your mother tells you. She hands you some toast and you run out the door to catch your bus.

It is a long day of work. When lunchtime finally rolls around, some office friends invite you out for lunch. You really want to go but you still have so much to do. A girl, Amy, offers to bring you back something if you'll run down to the storage room and grab some more printer ink while she's gone. You also remember that you have "Cup o' Noodles" in your desk you could make.

Which do you choose?

  • Go out for lunch anyway. Go to Page 21.
  • Go get the printer ink.Go to Page 13.
  • Microwave some noodles.Go to Page 24.

Pᴀɢᴇ 12

You hop in the shower. A bottle of conditioner falls onto your toe. You cry out in pain. After a deep breath, you are alright.

You dry off and do your hair as nicely as possible. It still looks awful. I'm sorry. You did try, though.

So, you and your horrible hairstyle have to decide what to do today.

Your friend, Amy, invited you out for lunch with some friends from work. Some other friends invited you to go to the city with them.

  • Lunch with Amy. Go to Page 21.
  • City. Go to Page 6.

Pᴀɢᴇ 13

You ask Amy to bring you back a burger and fries and get back to work. After finishing some very, very important tasks, you decide to stretch your legs and get the printer ink.

As you run down the stairs, Frank, the janitor, reminds you the door of the supply room isn't working very well.

With a big tug, it opens. You jam a door stopper in it to keep it open and venture into the dim room.

Your stomach lurches into your throat when you hear the door slam shut behind you.

You run to it and pry at the handle. It is no use, it is stuck. You scream for help. The hairs on the back of your neck prickle.

  • You are afraid. Go to Page 23.

Pᴀɢᴇ 14

Now that the 'rents are gone, you decide it's time to have some fun! Unfortunately, there is no way of doing that in this big boring house alone.

I hate to tell you this, but...

You smell.

How do you fix that?

  • I don't. Go to Page 18.
  • Take a bath. Go to Page 2.
  • Take a shower. Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 15

You microwave a burrito and go back to bed. You sleep well with a warm full belly.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 16

You sleep well. You dream of strange, terrible things. By the time you wake, they are nothing but distant memories of something that happened to someone else in another life. You let the dreams drift away. You carry on with your life.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 17

You slink into the class and notice something written on the board. Your terrible little eyes can barely read it, so you ask the girl next to you what it says.

"The assignment isn't due until tomorrow," she says.

You nearly cry from relief. It hurts you are so happy. You feel euphoria rushing through your bloodstream. You are so happy, it smells like summer in the classroom, like campfires.

You are snapped out of your stupor by screams from down the hall. You then realize that flames are licking at the door. You are trapped.

  • You try to escape. Go to Page 20.

Pᴀɢᴇ 18


No, actually, that's not actually an option. That's gross.

You are a gross little human, okay?

Please clean yourself.

  • Fine. I'll take a bath.Go to Page 2.
  • Fine. I'll take a shower. Go to Page 12.

Pᴀɢᴇ 19

As you scream, you lurch away from the clown and your head dives below the water. Hot, sudsy water flows into your fragile lungs. You cough and it does not help.

The clown's hand is on your chest. It pushes you below the water. Everything burns. You thrash. It does not help, the clown is stronger.

"I didn't want to hurt you," the clown says softly, his voice is low and raspy.

You push against him. Naked and afraid, you fight for your life.

You lose.

The clown's lips pull into a small smile.

He leaves your body in the bath.

When, hours later, you are found, you are an almost unrecognizably prune of a body. It really is quite gross.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 20

It is no use. You try to escape, but you cannot. The flames tug at your clothes. They melt your fragile skin. They are as hot and painful as the fire and you wonder if they are your own.

The pain is unbearable. You look down at your charred, blackened fingers and try to move them. They crumble away and you collapse into eternal agony.

As the inferno begins to devour you, you hear a noise, a strange noise above anything else.

In your dying moments, you cannot be sure, but it almost sounds like laughter.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 21

You go to your favorite rooftop restaurant that serves greasy burgers and crispy fries. You look out over the city. It is a crispy day. You are sitting outside.

There is a noise like someone popping the top off of a bottle of champagne, only it is so loud it reverberates in your bones and makes your stomach curl in on itself. You know something is wrong before you look to see your waiter - the kind teenager with warm eyes and spiked hair - lying on the cool pavement. His eyes are no longer warm. His life pools on the ground in a black puddle.

By the time you register what is happening, two more people have fallen, metal lodged in their sides from the masked gunman's weapon. You run to get away, but there is nowhere to go. People hide under tables, the metal legs simply make a prison for them as they try to crawl away from the impossibly fast shots.

You see your friend, Amy. She is twisted so unnaturally, her light hair impossibly dark. It glistens in the early afternoon sun. If you could remove her from the context, she would look beautiful.

You are curled in a corner, against the glass sheet of the railing. You look down, your heart pounds against your ribs. It is almost as loud as the gunfire.

You realize then that there is a balcony only two stories below. Perhaps, you could get help if you could land correctly.

  • Take my chances with the gunman. Go to Page 4.
  • Jump to the balcony. Go to Page 7.

Pᴀɢᴇ 22

You jog downstairs and push a cobweb out of the way as you enter the basement. You don't bother with the light, you know exactly where your mom keeps the mac and cheese. You take two steps in and the door shuts behind you. You think it's strange but are not worried, until it won't open.

You flip on the light and, despite your better judgment, turn around.

  • AHHHH! Go to Page 23.

Pᴀɢᴇ 23

Spiders. Everywhere.

Big. Small. Medium. Hairy. Slimy. Opaque. Translucent. On the floor. On the ceiling. On the walls.

The biggest is the size of a dog (we're talking golden retriever, not chihuahua).

It crawls toward you, slowly at first, its freaky little eyes blinking at you in curiosity.

Whatever was in your hands, forgotten by now, clatters to the ground.

Hundreds of smaller spiders begin to jump at you. The force of all of them paired with your blinding fear pushes you against the door. You scream for help, nobody comes. The spiders begin to crawl into every hole they can find. They choke you and blind you and they squeeze in through your eyes and down your throat. All you can hear is your own screams. Soon, the spiders run out of holes to fill and begin making their own.

They tear into your fragile flesh. They begin to eat your flavorful skin. By the time they return to their webs, there is no sign you ever existed except for the 83 cents that had been in your pocket, stacked nicely by the door.

  • 💀Try AgainGo to Page 1.

Pᴀɢᴇ 24

You fish through your desk and, below some crinkled papers and loose paper clips, you find a "Cup o' Noodles". You head into the break room and put it in the microwave.

You get distracted thinking about that hottie from cubicle 3C. You are so caught up you don't smell the smoke.

You don't notice the flames until they have trapped you.

  • Burning. Go to Page 20.